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Need Help?

As a developer you can use Github issues and discussions on the respective projects to report bugs, request features, and discuss changes. We recommend using issues to connect with maintainers, coaches and ambassadors. As a user, you can use the website to connect with us.

You can reach out to us through the following channels as well:

  • : Ask questions about moja global relevant to the members and management with a point of focus for new user countries and policy makers.
  • : Ask questions about contributing code, helping out with development, resolving issues and building new features with moja global teams.
  • : Ask questions about participating in the community, sponsoring programs, funding opportunity and community development.
  • Slack community: Connect with other developers, scientists, policy makers and other interested people over our Slack community.

We organize monthly Technical Steering Committee (TSC) meetings to discuss the progress of moja global and its ecosystem. TSC meetings are open to all members of the community. We also conduct working group meetups every two weeks to discuss a specific area of interest.